Privacy Policy






AL-JASHAAMILTD,HE457304,registeredofficePatron6,SunnywiseCourt,l51floor,Flat/Office101-102, Larnaka, 6051, Cyprus (hereinafter"the Company") is committed to protect the Personal Data of our clients and to respect of the privacy of the individual and our partners. The company takes all necessary measures to collect and process personal data in accordance with the General Regulation on Data Protection (EU) 679/2016 (GDPR Regulation) andother applicable legislation.TheCompany takesallthe necessary organizationaland technical measures required to ensure the security, availability and validity of the dataof ourpartners andclients. Itis veryimportantfor us thatthis strong commitmentis clearto allourclients.The present "Privacy andPrivacy Statement" describes andexplains what kindofpersonal data the Company collects from our clients, how we manage itand where it can be used.

Personaldataandmethod ofcollection


Your personal data may becollected directly from youordirectly from representativesofour Company or through other means of distance communicationfor examplee-mail, electronicforms, telephone/fax, etc. In some cases, you may have provided your data in the past as part of a previous partnership or relationship with the Company.

Incertaincases, it ispossible, afteryour explicit notification, tocollectyour data fromother bodies or registers, inthe context of possible control of your creditworthiness for the purposes of checking the solvency,financingorinsuranceofclaimsofourCompany.

Wemaycollect thefollowingpersonal dataofourclients/prospectiveclientsandpartners/prospective partners:

   Personal information (such as name and surname, address, VAT number, Passport and/or ID card number, driving license),

  Financial transaction details (such as bank account number, debit or credit card details and generally otherpayment methods, suchaswiretransfers,aswellasanydetailsandgenerally any necessary details requested by the Company incases ofa credit or accepting toenter into a vehicle lease agreement with theCompanyandthecreditneedsorisgoingto beused,aswellastemporarily covered paymentsthrough your prior notification and provided that it is connected to the ordinary process of data relating to your payment methods and details,

  Statements of financial status (such as tax clearance statements, financial statements (if a company), accounting records, court or chamber certificates and general financial status),

  Aspartofyourleasecontract withtheCompany wealsocollect data necessary forsmooth performance of the contract, for instance: driver's license, etc., as well as other person/s declared in writing and accepted by the Company touse the vehicle,



   As part of your relationship with the Company you may be required to provide evidence of your creditworthiness,forinstance:documents relatedto yourincome,etc.

Purposeofuseofyour personaldata




a)       for the compliance of requests of our clients and partners, for the execution, conclusion and operation of the contractual relations with them,

b)       forthecommercialactivityandoperationoftheCompany,

c)       partofthisdataiscollectedandusedinordertomeetourlegalobligationsto publicauthorities (forinstance tax,Insurance etc.),

d)       forcriticaloperationsoftheCompany's business forexampleforthecontroloftheCompany's credit police, solvency of itsclients and securing itsreceivables. Inthe events the additional, optional information is required for the Company, you will be informed at the time of data collection.

e)       your contact details (for example your email address, telephone and mailing address) which the Company may use to inform you about offers, discounts and other promotional activities. Of course, you have the right to communicatewiththeCompany inorder not to receive such offers, discounts and other promotionalactivities and communications in the future.

ThelegalbasedonwhichtheCompanyprocessespersonaldataofitsclientsandassociatesisfor processing the below actions:

  Execution ofthe Contract: processing necessary for the fulfillment andcompliance with our contractual obligations.

  Fulfillment oflegal obligations oftheCompany, forexample fulfillment oftax and other legal obligations (eg auditing, accounting, issuance of invoices etc.), recording in our books.

   Managing our clients and suppliers and ensuring the smooth operation of the Company and proper services and processing of client and supplier requests.

   To safeguard our legal interests, to the extent that processing does not violate the overriding legal interestsofthesubjects,suchasthekeepingofevidence todefendourCompany againstlitigation,claims, as well as documentations in case of administrative and similar controls or Credit checks of our counterparties and processing for credit insurance purposes.

   In case where the Company notifies you of updates on offers discounts, new products and other promotional activities.Inthis event you are able to immediately to revoke your consent, resulting in the immediatetermination of receiving any notification of such material.



TheCompany doesnotdiscloseyourpersonal information tonon-affiliatedthirdpartiesunlessrequired to do so in the following events:

a)       inordertomeettheCompany'sprofessionalandbusinessneeds,

b)       inordertofulfiltheCompany'scontractualobligationswithourclientsandpartners,

c)       ifitisexplicitconsentofthedatasubject,

d)       ifitisrequiredorpermittedbythelaw.


Thedataofourclientsand partners areprocessedwithin theframeworkofwhatisdefinesherein:


a)       by the Company and its employees that are responsible for the conclusion, execution and management ofourcontractual business relationships,aswellasbyanyofourpartnersforsimilar purposes, and


b)       by the other departments of the Companywithin our legal operationframeworksin order to fulfilledourobligationsbylaw(forexampleforlegalandaccountingpurposes).

BankingInstitutions or other payment service providers cooperating withthecompany, suchasinsurance companies, collection companies, consulting and auditing companies, any cooperating file storage and management companies, cooperating ITcompanies, cooperating companies providing printing services, organizinganddeliveringforms,cooperating advertising andpromotional companies, garagesandvehicle technicians etc:

to theextent appropriate yourdata,maybedisclosedforthefulfillment ofcontractual orother obligations, for your better services, for the fulfilment of your demands/requests, for the Company's smooth cooperation.

for examining your creditworthiness,credit receipt ability, andfor the insuringour Company's credits by nothing relevant bodies and registers, for cooperating claims insurance companies.

Intheeventthatdatatransmission becomesnecessary theCompany shallensurethetransmitsto third parties, provided that they meet highlevels ofdata security and confidentiality andprovide adequate safeguards andcommitments to protectthem,whichtheywillalsoundertakeinwriting.

Public authorities of any kind (for example to governmental department, tosemi-governmentaldepartment orservices,taxauthorities, socialinsurance authorities, insurance companies etcorto judicial or governmental Authorities, prosecutors, investigators etc) :

TheCompany may disclose data topublic authorities ofanykindif thisisprovided orrequired bylaworit is deemed absolutely necessary todefend our legal rights.

Privacyanddata security


The Company maintains appropriate organizationaland technical measures to ensure the confidentiality, protection and integrity of Personal Data against accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, loss, unauthorized access or disclosure, and any other unlawful form of processing.

The Companyis processing data in a way that ensures the security and confidentiality of the provided data. The processing is carried out by personnel authorized for this purpose, who are bound by confidentialityobligations and provide the necessary guarantees of protection.The same applies for allof our potential partners whomay beinvolved intheprocess (see above under "Personal Data Disclosures - Recipient Categories).



Thepersonaldataarekeptfortheperiodabsolutelynecessaryfortheexecutionandcompletionofthe processing purposes mentioned in the present document. The specific retention time of each data category is connected to:

(a)     withthenecessary time,withinthereasonable commercialandoperational framework forthe fulfillment ofourcontractual andcommercial obligations;

(b)     duringthe courseofthecommercialand/orcontractualrelationshipwithourclientsorassociates;

(c)     with any legislation inforce at any time for data retention, asisthe case with the accounting and tax records ofour company or the data addressed toinsurance companies

(d)     with any need toretain evidence todefend the Company'slegal interests, proof of compliance, defense against claims and the judicial pursuit of our claims


(e)     iftheprocessingisbasedontheconsentofthesubject,theretentiontimeisdeterminedbythe retention time of the specific consent.



Based to the existing legislation and the restrictions provided therein, you have the following rights in relation to your personal data:

  Righttoinformationandaccess:Youhavetherightto beinformedabouttheprocessingofyourpersonal data andforthisreason youareawareofthisprivacy statement andprotectionofpersonal data.Youhave the right to access the personal data concerning you, upon your request.

  Rightofcorrection:You have theright to requestthe correction ofyour inaccuratedata, which are kept inthecontext ofthisagreement orthecompletion ofanyincomplete data.

  Righttodelete:Youhavetherighttorequestthedeletionofyourdata.Weremindyouthatthisrightis notabsolute andissubject to the limitations ofthelaw andtheCompany may have legitimate reasons for not satisfying your request.


i.e. you have the right to request that their further processing be stopped and that your data only to be retained by the Company.The exercise of this right is subject to the condition that such a possibility is granted toyou by the existing legislation. If the legal requirements are not met, the Companymay not have the obligation to satisfy your request.

  Right to portability: You have the right to receive the data concerning you in a specific format and to request their transfer toanother controller, if this is providedby law for the respective processing.

  Right to object: You have the right to object at any time to the processing ofyour data, within the limits provided by existing legislation. Similarly, this right is not absolute and the company may have good reasons torefuse its satisfaction.

  Right to revoke your consent: If a processing ofyour personal data isbased onyour consent, youhave the right to immediately, easily and without any charge to revoke your consent at any time to the continuation of this processing.Revocation of your consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of consent prior to its revocation.

  RighttocomplaintothePersonalDataProtectionAuthority:Inordertoexerciseanyofyourrights,as wellasforanyinformation orclarificationaboutthemandtheconditionsforexercisingthem,youshould contacttheCompanyatthecontact details.......................................................................................... Arepresentative ofthe

Company will provide you with any further information and guidance on the steps you need to take. Likewise, youcanask theauthorized representativeoftheCompany anyquestions,queries,comments or complaints regarding the management of your data.



The Company at any time may unilaterally modify the present statement, so that it reflects changes from time to time regarding the existing relevant policies and practices of our Company. We recommend that youvisitourcompanywebsiteregularly,inorderto beimmediately informedofanychangestothisPrivacy and Personal Data Protection Statement.


By signing this, I,the undersigned, expressly and unequivocally declare that I have been informed of the data collection of the leased vehicle, under the conditions set forth here.







RENTEESIGNATURE                                                                                           COMPANYSIGNATURE